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Forum Discussion Block - Your friendly general chat and general discussion forum!


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Discussion Block is a general chat and general discussion forum with a focus on providing a safe, positive, and welcoming space to all. We welcome everyone to this forum and consider ourselves one big happy family.

Our forum is a safe and respectful space where everyone is welcome to express their opinions and engage in meaningful conversations. We encourage you to be open-minded, considerate, and respectful towards others, even if you may disagree with their views.

We allow a diverse community of members with different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, which makes for a rich and enlightening exchange of ideas. We hope you'll enjoy being a part of our community and contributing to the discussions.

So, don't be shy - feel free to introduce yourself, share your thoughts on our latest topics, or start a new thread of your own. Let's make this forum an engaging and inspiring place for all of us!

Thanks for checking us out!

Our url is https://discussionblock.com/
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Happy Love You GIF by LINE FRIENDS

Come join us today. We're a lovely bunch of people who like talking to anyone! Does anyone have experience with this addon? Let me know

Chicago Blackhawks Hockey GIF by NBC Sports Chicago

Hey guys we're still about and would love to see you today!
The forum is back up and working after some tech errors and issues. I am happy to announce that I have secured my own XenForo license with thanks to @PGen98 and also for other things she has done and offered behind the scenes.


Thanks again all for checking out the forum!
Added a brand new theme to the forum

Added a logo to all themes too:

Introducing DB 1.0!

The brand new default theme for Discussion Block is called DB 1.0. It's made using the XenForo default theme/style, but it is a fitting look and feel for Discussion Block. I welcome any feedback, comments, and suggestions for the theme! Alt can be selected still as usual, but is no longer our default theme.

Who knows? Maybe down the road I will get a professionally custom made theme! For now this brand new default theme fits the forums needs unless members otherwise want something changed. :)

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