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Facebook or Twitter?


Society Member
Facebook and Twitter seem to be very popular in the world today. With Facebook leading the front when MySpace was taken out of commission and it's why Facebook seems to be the platform with the biggest user in the world.

Twitter on the other hand is very good with how information breaks on that platform. With its hashtags, you get to know what's the most trending subjects in the world.

At the moment, I'm more into using Twitter then Facebook because of how Facebook bans and bots have been a menace on the platform.
I used to have a Facebook account since like 2011 but deactivated it several years ago. I'm not huge into social media, I only used Facebook primarily to keep in touch with my family around the world. As for Twitter, I use it every now and then to keep up with news and live updates.

The main app I use is Instagram since I like photography and now use that to stay in contact with my family instead
I won't use Twitter. I just can't get a handle on that and when I first heard about it, the lady who was using it was CONSTANTLY looking at her phone instead of doing what she was supposed to be doing. It was frustrating so I vowed to never sign up on Twitter. I don't care for Facebook much, but my family is there and I get to watch kids grow up.
I have had a Facebook account since I think around 2006 unless I am mistaken or it could be a little later than that and it was not long after MySpace left the stage so to speak that I jumped on Facebook. Over the last around 5 - 6 years though I would say that I have grown more fond of Twitter than Facebook and I tend to use Twitter a lot more now. I prefer the laid-back atmosphere on Twitter and the fact I can connect with people so easily as well by tweeting or just checking out the trending hashtags. Facebook got too much for me with the drama and people using it to air every issue they had in life on the platform. I still use Facebook on occasion and I use messenger frequently but it's not as much as I use Twitter anymore.

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