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Free or paid games?


Society Member
When it comes to the kind of video games you like getting for yourself to play, do you usually go for the free games or the paid one's? What's your reason for choosing either free games or paid games?

I don't have any problems with playing either free or paid video games as long as the gameplay gives me exactly what I'm looking for, I wouldn't mind. I have played some great free games such as Fortnite and Apex Legends. Even though with their microtransactions, they are both solid Battle Royale games.
I don't have any preference either, I usually play paid games just because many games nowadays are paid, and they do offer more bang for your buck with a campaign mode or other variations of gameplay.

Some free games I still play are Counter-Strike: GO and Team Fortress 2, but again there are always microtransactions available
Paid games : First buy this game, then play... (But it will not be p2w)
Free games : No need to buy (90% p2w)
EA games : First buy this game, then pay more (it will be pay to survive 😂😂😂)
I play mostly games like overwatch & fortnite which are F2P, but if I had the money to buy more games I would say Paid is usually better and less Pay 2 Win.

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