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Society Member

Canadian forums browser fanatic and gamer. I love being active on forums and sharing my thought on pretty much everything. I work in construction so I'm most of the time active during the night after work and during the week-end while I play video games or watch Youtube video or a show on Netflix. When I'm not gaming I go out riding my dirtbike or for a car ride but that's mostly during the summer since I found it boring to do during the winter.

Anyway, let's get to know each other while we post different topic together on the forums! Nice to meet you everyone. :D

Canadian forums browser fanatic and gamer. I love being active on forums and sharing my thought on pretty much everything. I work in construction so I'm most of the time active during the night after work and during the week-end while I play video games or watch Youtube video or a show on Netflix. When I'm not gaming I go out riding my dirtbike or for a car ride but that's mostly during the summer since I found it boring to do during the winter.

Anyway, let's get to know each other while we post different topic together on the forums! Nice to meet you everyone. :D

Welcome to the society, Yeww! Awesome to have you here :)

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