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How do you like your Veggies?


Society Member
So my personal favourites are : asparagus, cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes. As for how I like them personally? In a veggie or vegan burger, in a salsa and guacamole on a beef/chicken nachos, as a salad, grilled, BBQ on a skewer with meats, sautéed with rice and an iced drink to go with it, steamed with butter, garlic and a few other spices with a side of pasta, potatoes or meat to go with it. And you personally? What's your personal favourite veggies? And how do you like them?
My favorit green recipe is home made falafel! Good falafel are suposed to be vibrant green inside from the huge amount of fresh herbs put into them!
I love my veggies roasted and grilled, especially next to some grilled chicken or steak 😋

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