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How much time spent online?


How much time do you spend online each week? Is it too much time, or a reasonable amount?
I unplug often throughout the day so I honestly don't know how much time I spend online. We don't believe in cell phones & I couldn't imagine having that constant ding going on each time somebody texted, posted, something going on. But being on Staff on 2 forums & visiting several others, I would say it's like a Part time job.
I do spend a lot of time online, trying to minimize it. Since I work remotely, I'm required to be at my desk throughout the day, with work opened on one monitor and my forum or side tasks opened on the other
I'm always online if i'm at my PC. If not, i'm either sleeping, out getting food or gaming, which is usually almost always online with freinds. I'd say the only time i'm not 'connected' is when I'm asleep.
I would say that I spend way too much time online if I am honest but a lot of that consists of me working rather than just sitting and scrolling through the internet and not doing anything at all. If I am not online on my PC I will usually be online on my Xbox or even on my phone.

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