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Learning music


Society Member
I think the best way to learn is first, to have the willingness to learn as well as the desire. There are loads of books, videos people can read & watch. When I learn something, I tend to learn on my own but I do like having a one on one to help me when I get stuck. Some people prefer classes as that fits their personality better.
What helps you the most when you are learning music? Whether it is learning tips on how to write a song or playing an instrument.
When I used to learn music and how to play the first thing I knew was that I really wanted to learn and I had that desire and will to want to learn and be able to play. On top of that, I also have an Auntie who was a music teacher but is now retired who would help me with learning music and how to play and that was a great help for me. As long as you have the willpower and the desire to want to learn and you have the support, nothing can stand in your way.

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