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Stamina and Cardio?


Society Member
These are really important health factors to build up because as good as they are, the longer and healthier you will live. I have this current month, invested in a home stationary bike and a home treadmill which I do 45 minutes to 1 hours each morning and afternoon. If the weather permits, I go out joggles or fast waking or even running for my stamina and cardio with breathing exercises as my mindfulness exercises. It's the best physical exercises you could do to keep up in shape. If the weather isn't up for it, I run 1 hour to 2 on my home treadmill daily. After I do these, my mood feels instantly lifted up and I feel instantly clear-headed too because my body is busying itself with exercising and working out, so actually releasing dopamine which is good for uplifting the mood and depression. It's also good for the immune system. I urge you greatly to invest a little of your income into a home gym equipment that works out your cardio or builds up your stamina. I've lost 5-6 pounds in 10 days just by doing this and of course, taking less sugar and carbs. How about you? Do you build up your stamina and cardio personally?

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