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Warm ups before working out?


Society Member
What type of warm ups do you do before a work out? I like to slowly stretch the area I'll be concentrating on like my calves, arms and thighs. My calves get really tight during workouts so getting them warmed up helps a lot to keep going strong. I never used to warm up until I started doing workout videos. They kind of force you to do it.
Before any workout, I usually hit the treadmill for a mile run or an incline walk for 30 minutes

I find it so much easier to focus and do strength training after doing some cardio

As for videos, I like watching HIIT videos where they always do a few warmup activities and some cooldown breathing exercises
I did my first 5mins today it was great. I feel happy to finally make a start.
I have some videos on Youtube where I like their warm-ups & tend to do those. If I feel I'm not warmed up enough, I'll throw in some more moves & stretches until I feel comfortable enough to workout.

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