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What genre of music can you not stand?


Society Member
When it comes to music, I can pretty much listen to all kinds of music without any issues. Some songs I will admit, I do not always fully enjoy and I usually skip past them but when it comes to a genre I really do not like, I would definitely have to say heavy metal or hard rock. These kinds of genres I just can not sit and listen to these without feeling they are just noise and not actually music I can sit and enjoy.

When it comes to any kind of music genre, which ones can you just not stand at all?
Most of today's country, tbh. Some of the pop country can be good, but for the most part it's just not my cup of tea.
I cannot stand hip-hop music, I don't even like the hip-hop subculture. I also don't like rap music. I might tolerate Dua Lipa or Taylor Swift but I cannot tolerate Snoop Dog or 50 Cents.

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