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What's the last application you used?


Society Member
Applications softwares are something that we can't do without everyday. In fact, more than 80% of all we do daily are connected to one application or another. The last application I used is Binance for my trading 💹.
I used the calculator on my phone. I'm always using the calculator app on my phone because people are always asking me at work how much something will be with taxes and everything. I've gotten to be a pro at using the calculator on my phone to figure that up for them because it's easier to get into to that than it is to get on a register.
The last app I used on my phone was PayPal and my banking app and the last app I used on my PC was Microsoft Edge. I tend to use a lot more apps on my phone throughout the day than I do say on my PC with me being up and about quite a lot during the day taking breaks from my work and my PC.

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