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Which musician do you hate most?


Society Member
I know that hate is really a very strong word but permit me to use it in this juncture because it's the only way I can be able to express this point here.

There are some musicians that you wouldn't bring yourself to play their music for any reason whatsoever because you don't like their personality.

It's got nothing to do with their songs but them in particular. On that note, it's going to be Justin Bieber for me. I don't have any love for the guy.
I don't think I have dislike for any musician at the moment as I have a lot of good musicians that I like. I don't even have time to be hating on any musician at the moment.
I don't like listening to anything that is "country". I don't mean to rag on that if there is anyone out there that likes it. It's just that I'm forced to listen to it all day long, not to mention it's the same 5 songs that they play over and over and over again. I wasn't much of a country fan to begin with but I am forced to listen to it over the PA system at my work and it stinks when you can't change it.

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