Recent content by Demon_Skeith

  1. Demon_Skeith

    Halloween Plans?

    Not sure yet, just started dating a girl that I think is big into it, if still together I'll have to see what we end up doing, it's on a Monday this year so doesn't leave much time.
  2. Demon_Skeith

    What is a restaurant you refuse to eat at and why?

    I've been to a few restaurants where they do put homemade stuff out, but they are few and far between. I avoid any high-end fast food places, a co-worker just got sick two days from eating Taco Bell.
  3. Demon_Skeith

    What's your favorite music streaming app?

    I'll use youtube from time to time for some random music, otherwise I just play songs from my ever expanding mp3 collection.
  4. Demon_Skeith

    Do you pre order games?

    Not really, most stores don't offer much for pre-orders and my backlog is so huge I can play other games while new releases come down in price.
  5. Demon_Skeith

    Most difficult game you've played?

    Besides Dark souls and rayman, I would say a classic game is Myst. The game is so mind-bending hard, you can't play it without using a full notebook to take notes down with.
  6. Demon_Skeith

    Do you spend on in game's purchases?

    No not really, not unless there is a time saving item or an outfit I wouldn't mind staring at a lot. I try not to spend more than what I already have on a game.
  7. Demon_Skeith

    Do you make use of VPN?

    No not really, I don't like how it can slow down my internet at times and if it disconnects it can kill my internet as a safety which can just be annoying.
  8. Demon_Skeith

    Which keyboard do you use?

    I got something similar to that for use at work to use with my phone, found that it hurt my fingers and got rid of it. So now I just use Cloudnine split ergonomic keybard at home and Jelly comb ergonomic keybard at work and both are really nice.
  9. Demon_Skeith

    Do you keep your old phones?

    I keep them in hopes they become collector's items one day. Never know and be nice to get a high value back for old devices.
  10. Demon_Skeith

    China discovers potentially fatal new virus passed to humans from shrews

    Second deadly virus coming out of China? How long do we let them keep doing that before the world cracks down on them?
  11. Demon_Skeith

    Most used forum software?

    Seems like the top used ones are Xenforo, mybb, jcink, and proboards. VB is a thing of the past and IPB seems to be on the decline.
  12. Demon_Skeith

    Slow times?

    I've had long stretches of weeks/months where it was just me posting on my site and advertising it on other forums back in the day. These days I'll see slow times during summer and when big events like back to school or holidays happen.
  13. Demon_Skeith

    Are you a programmer?

    Anyone here a programmer or want to be a programmer? And by programmer I mean someone who can do advance coding, not basic stuff like html or python.
  14. Demon_Skeith

    Ever been fired?

    I've gotten someone fired from their job, but I haven't, I've had former places beg me not to leave since I was such a good worker.
  15. Demon_Skeith

    How did you decide on your career?

    I knew when time passed rather quickly while using computers I knew I wanted to work with them, while it hasn't been as easy as I thought, I'm content with my current work lifestyle as a net admin.

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