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Are you a programmer?


Society Member
Anyone here a programmer or want to be a programmer? And by programmer I mean someone who can do advance coding, not basic stuff like html or python.
Anyone here a programmer or want to be a programmer? And by programmer I mean someone who can do advance coding, not basic stuff like html or python.

I'm signed up for a 6-month data analytics bootcamp which focuses on html/css, python, data visualization, etc. I may branch out into other programming languages depending on my experience with this bootcamp

Everyone's got to start somewhere 🤷‍♂️
I can do some basic stuff but I'm not advanced by any means. If I need some advanced stuff done, I"ll hire someone else to do it. The only problem with that is finding someone you trust.
Well I want to become a programmer currently I learnt c language( not a big achievement tbh) but I would love to know more things about programming

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