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What time of day do you buy groceries?


Society Member
What time of day do you buy groceries? Do you make sure you eat before you go?

There have been a couple times when I haven't eaten breakfast yet before getting groceries because I had a craving for one of the store's everything bagels. But mostly I'll eat before going early in the morning since it's not crowded in the morning and the meat manager has good specials. I try not to be too greedy, but I do enjoy picking up the yellow stickered meat that is half off!
My husband & I go grocery shopping together so we wait until he gets home from work around 3:30pm. When I used to work 2nd shift, I loved shopping after as it was less crowded. I do try to eat something before going shopping because too often we make that mistake shopping while hungry & end up buying unnecessary purchases lol
I've only been twice so far since the measures got stricter, but last hour of the day has been a winner for me.

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