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Netflix or Amazon Prime?


Society Member
When it comes to movie's industry right now, they are well focused on their online streaming services because it's where most people prefer to watch their movies which makes them millions of dollars.

Also with the pandemic of coronavirus and the lockdown, it boosted the popularity of online streaming of movies.

Between Netflix and Amazon Prime, which one do you prefer their services?
I prefer Netflix, though I would've chosen Amazon Prime Video a year or two ago. I think Netflix has really stepped up their game in content over the last few years, especially during the pandemic. I used to always feel as if there were no new movies/shows to watch on Netflix, but now I notice them adding new watch-worthy content each week.
Netflix is always my favourite to be very honest with you but there recent plan to have ads in their content is something that I don't fancy at all.
Netflix is always my favourite to be very honest with you but there recent plan to have ads in their content is something that I don't fancy at all.

Yeah, their quarterly earnings went down since I'm assuming most people either share a Netflix account with someone else or have dropped Netflix completely because of all the other streaming services available now.

Last I heard, they're adding an "additional account" fee to current subscriptions if you share your account with someone under a different IP address

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